
PESH 2022 Expedition Flag Report

Bill Steele
Bill Steele Sistema Huautla

Project Overview

A succinct summary of the expedition’s major points including, project significance, objectives, results and any implications the discoveries may have on either the field of study and/or exploration.

PESH is an acronym for Proyecto Espeleologico Sistema Huautla, or the Sistema Huautla Speleological Project. Sistema Huautla is a vast network of interconnected caves in the northern part of the southern Mexico state of Oaxaca. It is the deepest known cave in the Americas. Expeditions have taken place there most years since 1965. The Explorers Club flag has been carried on expeditions there 12 times since 1980.

This is the original exploration and study of one of the world’s most magnificent caves. Over 200 articles have been published about it, including two books by Explorers Club members, and the cover story of The Explorers Journal several times.

Of significance to the 2022 expedition, the length of the integrated cave system surpasses 100 km in length, and two more entrances were added to bring the total number of entrances to now 30.

Biological specimens were collected and sent to a Mexican biology scientist for analysis. A stalagmite sample was collected and sent to a geology scientist for paleoclimatology analysis. The expedition was filmed by an Austrian documentary filmmaker to be included in a film planned about the area.

This is cutting edge speleology. The participants were from seven countries (USA, Mexico, Canada, Costa Rica, England, Wales and Ireland) and are expert cave explorers. Through the years graduate studies have been conducted in the caves in the fields of geology, archaeology, biology, anthropology, and paleontology; The cartography involved with mapping this vast cave system is cutting edge. Also, gear development and testing are part of every expedition.

Project Explanation

Illustrate the importance of the flag expedition. Include maps, and at least one photo with caption of The Explorers Club Flag in the field. Include the expedition team members with names. Include background information, with prior relevant research results, on both the region and the topic of study.

Sistema Huautla is known around the world by cave explorers and scientists as a place cutting edge speleology happens. The cartography makes use of the most advanced computer programs for cave maps. Sistema Huautla is the 9th deepest cave in the world, the 26th longest cave in the world, and the deepest known cave in the Americas.

PESH 2022 Expedition participants

Bob Alderson USA/VA – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Page Ashwell USA/TN – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Petie Barry Ireland – Expert cave explorer and
Oscar Berrones – Mexico/USA/TX – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Audrey Steele Briggs USA/TX – Been going on expeditions since a toddler. Helps Get the expeditions set up and functioning.
Beaux Briggs USA/TX – Audrey’s husband. Came to help set things up.
Derek Bristol USA/CO – One of the USA’s top cave explorers. Has a You Tube Channel of many speleological techniques. Expert cave cartographer.
Ben Dau USA/TX – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Chelsea Dau USA/TX – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Will Fancher USA/NY – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Jeff Goben USA/CO – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Isabel Grajales Mexico – logistical support
Abbe Hamilton USA/PA – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Blake Harrison USA/NM ​- logistical support
Justin Huffman USA/TN – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Vico Jones Mexico/USA/TX – expedition chef, logistical support, and diplomat
Mio Kitano, MD USA/TX/Columbia – expedition medical officer and cave explorer
Kyle Lassiter USA/TN – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Nile Lathrop USA/CA – Geology graduate student. Expert cave photographer. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Abigail Mack USA/WA – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Alec Matheus USA/CO – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Jake McLeod USA/CO – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Sonia Meyer USA/CA – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Rolland Moore USA/VA/Mexico – Interpreter. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Gabe Montemayor USA/NM – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Rostum Namaghi, MD England – expedition medical officer. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Montse Peralta Mexico – Project folklorist. Interpreter. Aspiring cave explorer.
Ethan Perrine USA/TX – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Good cave photographer. Expert rope rigger.
Greg Roemer-Baer USA/CA – Expert cave photographer. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
David Rose England – Writer/author. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Cuate Sanchez Mexico – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Tommy Shifflett USA/VA – Project Co-Leader. Project cartographer. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Bill Steele USA/TX – Project Co-Leader. Explorers Club Fellow Emeritus member. Author. Long time cave explorer and mapper.
Matt Tomlinson USA/TN – project photo archivist. Expert cave photographer. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger. ​
Scott Trescott Costa Rica – Expert cave photographer. Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Jake Weller USA/PA – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Mark Wingard USA/AL – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.
Andrew Wilkinson Canada/Australia – Expert cave explorer and mapper. Expert rope rigger.

Project Objectives

Summarize the objectives of the expedition, highlight references which may include journal articles, reports from previous flag expeditions filed, unpublished reports, etc.

See our project website at and Google Sistema Huautla. Accompanying this report is our chapter from the third edition of the book Encyclopedia of Caves as well as an article on the history of the project published in The Explorers Journal in 2015.

Project Methods

If a scientific study, provide equipment descriptions, details of sampling techniques, measurement collection, and techniques used for analyzing the data. Include figures and tables. If exploration oriented, explain how the expedition was conducted.

The expedition was conducted utilizing state of the art cave rope rigging techniques. Biology samples were collected by permit from Mexican scientists and samples summited to them.

Project Results

What were the results of the expedition? What was accomplished? Null results are certainly acceptable. Include the unexpected.

The length of the cave system was extended from 89 km to 101 km, making it the 26th longest known cave in the world. An in-depth report will be published by the National Speleological Society.

Project Implications

How will these results influence science and/or exploration? What significant factors were uncovered during this expedition? Will the results influence land or resource management policies? Develop or test new technologies?

The speleology conducted at Sistema Huautla by PESH is followed by speleologists worldwide as a model. One of our main sponsors is Pigeon Mountain Industries, manufacturers of very good rope. We test rope for PMI and produce reports on our results.