Welcome to the website of Texas Chapter of The Explorers Club.
The Explorers Club was founded in 1904 and the Texas Chapter has been active for almost four decades with many notable local explorers today achieving important discoveries on the planet and continuing exploration which provides new knowledge and sets records of accomplishment.
On this site, you will find key information relating to the world-wide organization of explorers and scientists with headquarters in New York and find details of the Texas Chapter events, archives, a blog to keep you up-to-date, and member information.
Many Texas explorers have a sub-page here to provide understanding of their current and past expeditions and a central location for their respective media and information sources. Browse the Texas and New York headquarters archives to do your own research. Call an explorer and offer a new insight or ask a question.
Feel free to offer your ideas on expedition fundraising. Yes, in today’s world, economic resources are the mother’s milk that feeds scientific exploration so your participation is profoundly appreciated!
We appreciate your interest, participation, and contributions which you might have to offer. Join us in our quarterly meetings around the state with extraordinary speakers and field trips, sometimes to parts unknown.
Come meet today’s explorers of the past and the future.