
Sistema Huautla 2020 Flag Expedition

Bill Steele

Expedition Website:
Expedition Brochure: Sistema Huautla 2020 Flag Expedition (12 meg)
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Bill Steele is a 40 year member of the Explorers Club: Bill Steele Profile

Bill Steele (FE ’79) is busily organizing the Proyecto Espeleologico Sistema Huautla (PESH) Explorers Club Flag expedition. The expedition send-off party in Austin on Saturday evening, March 28, and the next day begin the three day drive to southern Mexico. The expedition will run the month of April.

The expedition objectives are to continue exploring, mapping and collecting scientific (geology, biology, paleontology and archaeology) data about Sistema Huautla, the deepest cave in the Western Hemisphere, 28th longest cave in the world, and tied with a cave in Austria as the 9th deepest cave in the world. Many who have visited Sistema Huautla consider it to be the world’s most magnificent cave.

Be A Part Of History! Contribute To Sistema Huautla Expedition

Donations to support the 2020 expedition are welcome and needed and details on how to do so are on the landing page of our website at

PESH Inc. is a 501 (C)3 non-profit corporation.
