Researched and written by Joe Watson, Published April 10, 20120
- Mitigate To Buy Time To Prepare The Health Care System And Develop Mass Infection And Antibody Testing Capability.
- Protect The High-Risk Older And Ill With Comorbidities Until The “All Clear” Signal Is Sounded.
- Reintroduce The Extremely Low-Risk Young And Healthy Into Society To Build Herd Immunity.
- Sound The “All Clear” And The Older And Ill Return To Society.
This strategy is designed to protect those truly at risk, return the low-risk young and well to society and save our economic and social way of life while avoiding a global economic catastrophe.
Please read the entire White Paper entitled A Four-Step Strategy to Achieve Immunity, Pre-Vaccine.
Be safe. Be well.
Namaste’ Buffalo Joe